What we do
Everybody contributes to running Postlip and keeping it together physically and socially. This is done by a combination of individuals pursuing their interests, small task based groups and the larger group coming together to work on projects. Our community is fueled by the energy we give it and we all actively participate in community life and work.
We spend one whole weekend and one Saturday a month working together to look after the house, gardens and animals (currently pigs, sheep and chickens). Sometimes this is with the help of WWOOF volunteers and involves hard work, laughter, good conversation and importantly tea, cake and booze. We meet informally once a month to discuss new ideas, projects and challenges. We meet formally once a month to ensure good governance. We enjoy a wide range of communal social events such as barbeques, days out, parties and bonfires. We host and help run weddings and events which provide financial support to enable us to pay for materials and work that we are unable to undertake ourselves. We host and help run performances so that we can share our interests in music, storytelling, drama, film, art and anything else we fancy. We discuss and plan future ideas in small groups e.g. garden group, governance group, animal group. We manage our own water and sewage. We share Postlip with the local community by encouraging local schools, forest schools, arts groups and others to make use of the buildings and grounds. |