Welcome to PostlipWe are a small cohousing community of eight homes within a Cotswold manor.
Please take a look around - there are so many ways to learn about what we're up to. Postlip Open Days Keep on rolling!Ever wanted to take a 'sneak peek' inside a co-housing community?It's a sort of open-house-and-garden type of affair; tea, coffee, biscuits in the hall and the whole of Postlip to explore. Take yourself off around the grounds, walk up Cleeve hill or go for lunch in Winchcombe. Of course you are free to chat to us and ask any questions, but It’s really an opportunity to relax in the space and just see how it all feels.
Saturdays, 10am - 1pm (arrive for 10am to touch base with a Postlip person, then you're free!) If you're already sure you'd like to consider living at Postlip and would like to get to know us (the community, the people), then simply write to us here. We have one of our homes for sale which you are also welcome to look around. To join us, simply book your spot below so we know to expect you. The fiver is just to cover our refreshments costs. Don't worry, there's plenty of parking available on site. Open Days - Thanks!We've met so many new friends during our run of open days and we just want to say a massive thanks for coming and getting stuck in!
So many interesting people interested in what we're up to here. Thanks to all those who came and look forward to seeing you again soon! Come and join us at Postlip to find out more about cohousing and to see if living here would work for you. Wanting more.... you could join WWOOF, stay overnight with one of our families and experience an evening together, meet like-minded people and enjoy time outdoors learning about community. Weddings at PostlipTo find out more about celebrating your wedding at Postlip Tithe Barn and arrange a visit, please email [email protected]
New event season..Stay in touch with Postlip eventsSign up to our not-very-frequent updates. We won't ever share your information with anyone else and you can unsubscribe at any time.
![]() We're very active in supporting our nearest town and neighbouring community. Find out more about Winchcombe here: http://winchcombe.co.uk